Thursday, October 30, 2008

Someone Got Me...Kinda

Okay, so I got called out about this post becaue some moron decided to display a similar scene using the opposing candidate as the main character. You can see the other tasteless display they referred to right here. I'm not defending either instance; they're both pretty disgusting. The main point I was trying to make, but apparently was not able to do, is that this is a trend for liberals. They try to use "art" as a means to express their views in really tacky ways. Don't believe me? Here are a few examples (some are even in video form). It takes real talent to produce works like those.

Here are a couple of those examples just in case you get tired of clicking on links.

Classy, right?

Remember, all comments are always welcome! Please continue to enjoy my blog!


Anonymous said...

Your "point" is partisan and ridiculous. Nuts on both sides give everyone else a bad name. Like that McCain campaign volunteer Ashley something who carved a "B" in her own face claiming it was a big black man trying to "teach her a lesson". It doesn't mean all conservatives are nuts, it means she is. But if a liberal does it then it is a sign of how crazy liberals are. please.

Anonymous said...

I'm a conservative, and will vote for J.M. on election day. I fully believe he is the most qualified and best candidate to lead our country. I also agree with most all of your views regarding B.H.O. and his supporters that you've shown on the blog, but I have to agree with the first responder here though. Each side has it's bad apples. The post was a little stereotypical. If your goal was to get a rise out of a certain group though, then you obviously succeeded.

Ross Hatcher said...
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Ross Hatcher said...

As Joe Biden would say, "Is this a joke?"

Anonymous said...

i believe in your previous entry you said "can you believe if they did this with an obama mannequin? they would talk about it for years...cnn would start a show". well someone did do it to an obama mannequin and i havent heard that much about it or seen any new shows on it. there is that liberal media for you. maybe most people realize only nuts do these things and its not just a right against left thing.