Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Choice Out There

Sarah Palin is the only reason I'm going to hold my nose (or use this method) and cast my vote for John McCain this year. Well, it's also a vote against B. Hussein Obama, so I guess that would also be sufficient reason to vote McCain. However, she is the sole reason I can actually feel good about what I'm doing when I punch the ballot next month.

She is the only candidate of the four who I actually agree with on the major issues. She is pro-life and not ashamed of it, pro-gun and actually practices it, and she wants to drill for oil in Alaksa since it will create American jobs and help decrease our need to associate with those dirtbags in the Middle East. Plus, she's much easier on the eyes than any of the other three guys running this year. I know that's shallow, but I can't help it.

Last night, I ordered a "Sarah Palin for Vice President" bumper sticker for my truck. It should be here real soon, and I ordered extra ones just in case anyone wants one of their own. Maybe it sounds silly to only support a vice-presidential candidate, but I can only truly support someone with whom I agree. I said weeks ago that McCain needed to choose a conservative running mate or he would lose any shot he had at winning this election, and now the only time he sees any jump in the polls is when Sarah is given the opportunity to talk and share her views. However, McCain still wants to lean too far to the left despite the evidence that many people in this country would agree with a more conservative approach to government. Maybe he'll get the picture before it's too late and we end up with a socialist, naive, supporter of infanticide as our next president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mama didn't raise
a wishy washy son. Speak your
mind, why don't you?