Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

The weather here today is pretty miserable, as it has been pretty much every day since early November. The only amount of time I can bear to spend outside is the few seconds it takes me to run from my truck to the comfort a heated building. On most mornings, I am forced to scrape the ice off my windshield so I can drive to work with chattering teeth until my car warms up. The drive home is usually just more of the same. This tends to get old pretty quick.

It makes me wish Al Gore was right in what he has to say about this whole climate change theory. I actually want global warming! Unfortunately, it just ain't happening.

Just for fun, though, let's assume Mr. Gore and the global warming alarmists are correct in their warnings of impending doom from slightly warmer global temperatures. Would that really be such a bad thing? If the average temperature in Minnesota or Maine warmed a few degrees, would you hear many complaints? I think that the residents of these states would be very welcoming of this change. I definitely would if I lived there.

As another positive effect, warmer temperatures globally would also vastly increase the amount of land worldwide that is able to produce sustainable agriculture. This could help with the tragic issue of world hunger, and I'm sure that no liberal wants to oppose feeding the less fortunate. This should be their sentiment, however there's not as much money to be made fighting for that cause...even if it is far more noble and worthwhile.

As I finish writing this, Fox News just showed a meeting of Obama, Biden and Gore discussing the crisis of "climate change." It is very tragic that our new leaders have decided to take advice from this manipulative clown. In so doing, they are displaying either ignorance or avoidance of the truth on this matter. Global warming is not happening, and there is no real, unbiased science to prove it is true. All major studies on this idea are based on skewed and biased data and can be easily refuted with actual scientific facts. America is getting scammed and doesn't even know it.

Now, I think I'm going to crank my truck and let it warm up before I brave the weather and head out for the day. Wasting fossil fuels gives me such a "warm" feeling.

Note: The above picture is not from our time here in Nashville. It is from one of my escapades with Brad Long, Alethea Law, and Alex Gomes while we were exploring the Southwest and learning a little about drugs and eyeballs. I just like it and wanted to add a picture of something "cold" to this post.

1 comment:

Plain Brad said...

You call this mentioning our names??? Why don't you try remembering our shear awesomeness and the great times we had in K-town??? This is like a frick'n footnote.