Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Buy Now, Buy Now

Have you noticed how everybody and their brother are already coming out with Barack Obama commemorative items?  Click here, here, here, or here for examples.  I have found this phenomenon rather intriguing and have spent some time pondering as to why there is such an abundance of these products.  In doing so, I have developed my own theory.  

I must first mention that these groups will of course say it is because his election is such a remarkable moment in history and his victory deserves to be memorialized forever.  They will say that we must never forget how the rampant racism in America was defeated and we elected a black man to be our leader.  I, however, think their motives are not quite so noble.

I believe these items are being pushed with such fervor because, deep down, the sellers know that this is the only period in history when people will be willing to purchase such trinkets.  They will never sell very well at any other point because his presidency ultimately will not be remembered very fondly.  With unprecedented tax hikes, reckless government spending, and deep cuts in military funding all on the horizon, his policies will prove to be a lasting detriment to the stability and strength of this country.  In other words, people won't like him for very long.   So, naturally, it makes sense to try to get people to buy as many of these collector's items as possible right now while his appeal and consumer demand are still high.  

I don't fault the sellers for encouraging Americans to buy these novelties while they can.  I actually applaud their insight on this issue.  They are very wise in recognizing that their sales pitch will be unusable in the not too distant future.  Their current vigor is actually quite justified.  Heck, Obama himself was pretty clever in already writing his autobiography since he won't have very many enthusiastic readers four years from now.

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