Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Here are my resolutions for the year 2014.  It may be presumptuous to think you actually care, but you did actually come here to read the stuff I write.  Publishing them for the rest of the world (since my stats are showing I have readers in nine other countries) should also make it more difficult to abandon them over the next 365 days.
  1. Significantly reduce my social networking.
    • Since it is a HUGE waste of time, I am going to aim for only logging in to Facebook or Twitter once a week (or less).  However, I may have to figure out some way to set up alerts to let all four of my readers know when their favorite blogger has a new post since most of the page views here originate from a link on the aforementioned productivity killers.
  2. Run 3 miles in less than 21 minutes.
    • As some of you are aware, I developed a healthy interest in triathlon this Summer.  This required me to purchase a road bike, some swim goggles, and several articles of clothing made out of lycra.  I was able to drop about 15 pounds and have kept it off recently despite the colder weather limiting my willingness to engage in outside activities.  Although I was quite pleased with my accomplishments as a newbie triathlete, I have some new goals for the coming year.  I need to get faster!  Additional racing goals include cycling 20+ miles at 20+ mph and swimming at least 1500 meters without stopping.  (Don't I look awesome?)
  3. Read every word in my Bible.
    • I've made this one several years in a row, but I always come up with some lame excuses to back out of it.  In fact, the little ribbon is still stuck somewhere in Deuteronomy marking my premature discontinuation last year.  I was already pretty far behind schedule, anyway.  If you have completed this one in the past, leave a comment below and let me know if you had a specific plan you followed and how you liked it.  There are definitely plenty of them to choose from.
  4. Give.
    • Other than what I drop in the offering plate at church, I need to find more ways to do this.  This can include my time, money, or anything else I may have of value to share with others.  I need to set an example that my daughter can actually witness and use those opportunities to explain the importance of this act while she is still somewhat impressionable.  She is a bit young, but I don't think it can ever start too early.
  5. _______________________________
    • This space was intentionally left blank.  I am leaving it that way until my wife fills it in.  Hopefully she doesn't suggest something like "Rub my feet every night."  That being said, this may be one of the most foolish resolution ideas I've ever had.  On the other hand, I may just be the most awesome husband ever.  Let's assume the latter.  Wish me luck on this one!
Happy New Year!


Clint Landry said...

Try using a reading plan for your Bible reading. Youversion has an incredible variety of plans available.

Clint Landry said...
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Ross Hatcher said...

I've spent the past 2 days trying to get it to send me an account confirmation email. I finally switched emails and it worked. They definitely have plenty of options. I'm starting with "Historical."

amelia said...

Your are a great husband and daddy.

Unknown said...

I'm the one in Sweden:). Good luck with the resolutions. The first and the fourth are on my list as well. I must suffer from some sort of addiction with the social networking because I'm finding it hard to stay away. Still got close to a year to improve...
/Karolina, your neighbour in homeroom at Bryant

Ross Hatcher said...

Thanks a lot, Karolina. It really means a lot that you've taken some time to read it. Keep me updated on how your resolutions work out. C/O 2001 rules!