Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rainy Scene

There is a house in Grand Bay that I have admired since childhood.  It's an older home that has as much charm and appeal as any other building in town.

However, this house no longer exists.  It burned down just over a week ago, and the rain falling down on the ashes and scorched lumber on this cold December morning created a rather somber image.

Now, I'm well aware that it's quite cliché to discuss the relative significance of material possessions and we probably all have the same ideas, anyway.  However, seeing what little remains of this home has made me think about how quickly everything you think you have can be taken away.  In a matter of hours, every picture, article of clothing, or electronic device this family had stored inside the four secure walls of their home was gone.  Forever.

Maybe it was just the rain, but it made me (at least on the drive to work) think a little more about how I can better prioritize the things in life that really matter.  I guess that can be a New Year's resolution.

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