Is there anything at all this guy does that doesn't just reek of elitism. It makes me feel nauseated. Just check out some of the pictures.
We'll start with the classic "Obama Chin-lift." This just seems to happen way too often. I mean, I know he looks down on people like me, but he could at least try to hide it a little better.
I'm not even sure what's going on here. Definitely doesn't look very "down to earth," though.
And this? Who wears jeans and tucks in their POLO shirt when riding a bike? This is the first time I've ever seen it. At least the bike doesn't have the little frilly things on the handlebars.
Yet another first for me. Wearing pants while playing basketball? Not something a grown man should do. I've only seen 6-year-olds do that. Heck, he's not even looking at the goal here. What kind of shot is this? Furthermore, he's wearing running shoes. Shouldn't he be worried about breaking an ankle with his wicked moves?
Even the old white dude looks more like he knows what he's doing than B. Hussein, who is again wearing pants. I guess he is a bit ashamed of his chicken legs.
Ross, did you hear about the mistake Obama made in the 3rd sentence of his inaugural address?! He said "I am the 44th man to hold this position." WRONG! Anyone who knows anything about American History knows that Grover Cleveland served twice,non-consecutively, as our 22nd and 24th president. Therefore, although he is our 44th president, he is not the 44th man to hold the position. But never mind the facts. He sounded good...
Well, it has been made quite apparent that substance and knowledge do not matter with this one... only style.
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