Thursday, May 7, 2009

Describing the Obama Voter

Okay, I'm aware this has the potential to come across a bit rude or harsh, but I don't really care about your feelings today.  Here's what I think...

I firmly believe that if you voted for Barack Obama in Novemeber, you fit into one of the following categories: 
  1. The Foolishly Naive:  You fit into this group if you think the liberal, progressive policies being implemented by the Obama administration are actually good for America.  Most likely, you sincerely have good intentions and feel it is the duty of those who are able to help others in need.  You consider yourself a strong proponent of equality, fairness, and other feel- goody words.  You probably believe in global warming and feel that shutting down factories and decreasing driving time will help save the planet, but you fail to realize that those factories just move overseas and pollute to a greater extent.  You also probably are under the assumption that many groups are discriminated against without realizing that all men actually do have the same right to marry any woman of their choosing, even if she is black, white, green, or polka-dotted.
  2. The Stupid and/or Ignorant:  You fit into this category if you voted for Obama for any specific reason such as, a) he is black, b) he has hope, c) he is change, d) he is not named Bush, etc.  You are stupid and/or ignorant because you probably did not even pay the least bit of attention to any of his ideas and policies and continue to remain ignorant of what he is doing now that he's actually in office.  You may have even voted for Obama because "his voice is so pretty," which ironically may actually be the most redeemable quality he has.  There is an additional subgroup to this category which I've dubbed "The Trendy Voter."  This group is considered stupid and/or ignorant because they too did not have any valid reason to vote for Obama.  They are most likely 18-30 year-olds (or sixty-year sophomores) who felt like voting for ol' Barry is what all the smart, cool, and good-looking people are doing, so they should probably jump on board.
  3. The Selfish and Evil:  This group consists of the voters who were fully aware of the devastation an Obama presidency would bring to our country, but decided to vote for him with nothing less than purely selfish or evil motives.  This is probably the smallest group but consists of many labor union members, Hollywood actors, domestic terrorists, racist reverends, and  employees of Planned Parenthood.  The selfish motives producing votes from the United Auto Workers Union have already proved beneficial, so it appears these votes have not been cast in vain.  Unfortunately, this result will probably also hold true for the terrorists and abortion providers, as the new administration will do everything in their power to support their causes, too.
If you voted for Obama and don't feel like you fit into any of these categories, please leave a comment and explain your reasons for voting the way you did.

If you did not vote for Obama, please leave a comment and let me know which category you think most of his supporters best fit in with.  If you feel an additional category is needed to describe his followers, let me know about that, also.

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