Thursday, September 24, 2009

Praise Obama... and at Taxpayer Expense!

Some problems I have with this video:
  • A kid would probably get expelled for singing "Jesus Loves Me" or praying in the corner, but this kind of trash is actually encouraged.
  • These kids probably haven't memorized the Pledge of Allegiance yet, but taxpayer dollars are being used on teachers who would rather manipulate and corrupt these impressionable minds than actually teach them something useful.  How about some arithmetic?
  • Since I'm reminded of songs I learned in Sunday School, when the line "Red, yellow, black, or white" is recited,  aren't these teachers ripping off lyrics from another song meant to praise a real savior?  I guess plagiarism is an approved form of writing in public schools now.  (That's also a pretty bold claim to assume that all racial groups are equal in Obama's eyes.)
  • Fox News is the only major news site mentioning this story on their website right now.  The alarming school-related story being covered by MSNBC is that some girls were called bad names at school.  Lions and tiger and bears... Oh My!!!
Good things about this video:
  • I don't have children.
For the parts of the song you can't understand, lyrics are listed here.


Nikki D said...

OMG! I heard about that on Rick & Bubba! I am just disgusted!!

Cara Highfield said...

AHHHHH! So annoying!
"Equal work means equal pay"

People who don't work = get all the benefits for being lazy and worthless bums while the people who work their butts off and have thousands of dollars of debt in student loans have to pay for everyone

AHHHHHHH! I hate politics and news. I can't handle it.

Oh yeah, this is Katie on my sister's name.