Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Organic Movement

Can someone please explain to me the whole appeal of the "Organic Movement?"  Is this trend really supposed to be a good thing?  I've been looking for some solid ideas supporting this movement for a while, but I still remain empty-handed.

Recently, I've seen everything from organic cleaning products to organic t-shirts.  Unfortunately, I can't find any proof that these things have any more to offer than "normal" products.

The typical defense of organic goods goes something like, "It is better for the environment since we aren't adding harmful chemicals to anything."  Seriously?  According to this argument, people also must have been much healthier 100 years ago when being "organic" was the only option.  Evidence supporting this idea is that the average life span back then was in the range of a whole 40 years... wait a minute... that doesn't make sense.

I'm also pretty sure that if you went to any third world county and offered the farmers nitrogen-based fertilizers instead of the manure they currently use, your gift would be welcomed with open arms and a smile.  First of all, it is proven to be more effective at yielding healthy crops.  Secondly, they wouldn't be relegated to frolicking in feces all day.  What's funny is that some folks here in America actually play with poop by choice... and all for the sake of labeling themselves "organic."  How noble!

From my own experience, I've seen no proof that organic food is any more appealing than its counterpart.  For example, Betty Clair and I have been eating a lot of strawberries lately.  The Kroger we frequent offers both organically grown and chemically-assisted strawberries.  When deciding between the half-size, half-rotten organic fruits or the plump, juicy, chemical-injected berries, the task of making a wise decision isn't really that difficult.

Furthermore, why are we teaching children that "going organic" is the most efficient and economically sound way to produce agriculture?  We might as well be instructing them that they can fly if they just flap their arms fast enough.  Surprisingly enough, this inane idea is also sponsored by the ironically omniscient Obama administration.

Just earlier this year, the ever-fashionable Michelle Obama assumed a personal role in planting an organic garden at the White House with local elementary school children to indoctrinate them of the benefits of organic gardening.  (Can't you tell how much she knows about farming by examining her wardrobe
selection for the event?  Designer boots sure do come in handy when wielding a rake.)  I would actually be offended if my child was being taught farming methods that produced inferior produce at a slower rate.  Wouldn't their time be better utilized if they were sitting in a classroom being taught chemistry and the benefits it has offered to agriculture?  Honestly, I believe getting rid of boll weevils and other pests is a more remarkable achievement than planting tomatoes and nurturing it with banana peels.  I suppose they are using children in this experiment since they are still naive enough to fall for the idea.

On a lighter note:  Betty Clair and I went to a Sounds game (minor league baseball) while her parents were visiting last weekend.  Before leaving the house, she informed me that she didn't like what I was wearing and suggested I wear a green shirt instead of the blue one I had put on already.  I found this a bit puzzling, but I decided to succumb to her request for the sake of maintaining peace in the family.  However, I became aware of her reasoning for requesting my clothing change after arriving at the game and discovering that the promotion for the night was "Going Green."  Betty Clair had full knowledge of this beforehand, and her only intention was to make me look like a silly, liberal hippie.  Shame on her!  Her mother was also in on the scheme.  So, shame on Mrs. Barton!


Unknown said...

haha, nice work BC! =)

Anonymous said...

BC and AMelia tag teamed you! I love it!

Katie said...

Haha! I love the green shirt story. And as far as organic goes, blah blah blah. If everyone is so concerned about being organic and earth friendly, they need to also think about where all the drug waste is going. Ew. However, I like the idea of chicken w/ no antibiotics...

Anonymous said...

not such a great argument you have there...1000 or 100 or whatever years ago people had a lifespan of 40 years more because doctors were more likely to kill you than help you. "organic" food had nothing to do with it